What should I do about my previous Electoral Roll listings?

Smiling dark haired woman wearing a green dress, stood in front of some trees.



Jasmin is Knowledge Manager at Checkmyfile and has been part of the team for over 10 years. She previously led the customer care team for five years, adding invaluable front-line experience to her credit report knowledge.

Although a new Electoral Roll listing automatically ends the listing at your previous address, it doesn’t mean the address will be removed from your report. It’s entirely normal to see where you’ve previously been on the Electoral Roll – this is nothing to worry about.   

Previous listings are simply a historic record which will remain on your credit report indefinitely. As long as you recognise each of the addresses, you don’t need to do anything about them.   

It is really difficult to amend historical Electoral Roll information. But if you do want to try and change it, get in touch with the Electoral Registration Officer at your council.  

Any lender checking your credit report will only be looking for an active Electoral Roll listing at your current address. All other addresses have no direct impact on your credit health and there is nothing that would suggest you’re registered on the Electoral Roll elsewhere. 

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