Know your file

Whatever your number, whatever your goal, the first step towards growing is knowing. With Checkmyfile you get the most detailed credit report on offer. Captured in one convenient spot.

Check your credit report

Check in with
your credit health

We break down up to six years of credit history into one simple-to-use, independent and highly confidential review. Here, you can understand your habits, pinpoint patterns and correct any errors that could be impacting your overall credit health — without affecting your score.
Get started now
A bar chart with four bars: one dark blue, one light blue, one dark brown, and one light brown. The chart is labelled 'May'.Credit healthA close-up graphic of green ticks that can appear on a Checkmyfile credit report.

The more you know
The higher you can go

Check your file

Score summary

Get a breakdown of your current score, and understand any factors affecting it.

Score summary

Payments & borrowing

Get a detailed overview of your payment and borrowing history over the past six years.

Payments and borrowing

Addresses & Electoral Roll 

See what information is held about your current address, past addresses and your Electoral Roll status.

Addresses and electoral roll

Associations & aliases

Find a full list of people you’re financially connected to.

Associations and aliases

Court information

Find any court information held on your credit report with the Credit Reference Agencies.

Court information


See which companies have been checking your credit report.


Fraud alerts

See any fraudulent activity that has been logged across your file. 

Fraud alerts

Your questions
have answers

How do I find out more about Checkmyfile?
If you’re not sure about anything, our support team is available to answer any questions you might have on knowing (and growing) your score.
Next step
Grow your score