Cifas fraud type

There are two types of Cifas warnings – also known as case types or markers – that show on your credit report:

· Victim of Impersonation – this will be registered by a lender if it believes you have been the target of identity fraud. This stays on your report for as long as the lender deems necessary.

· Protective Registration – if you are at risk of identity fraud, you can request protective registration from Cifas for a fee. It stays on your report for 2 years. This can be a useful step to take if you have been the victim of crime where personal documentation has been stolen. Find out more.

Other Cifas case types that lenders see, but that do not appear on your Credit Report, include:

Facility takeover - where a fraudster hijacks a customer’s banking or credit facility and makes unauthorised transactions. This might involve transferring money, changing the address on the account, or requesting new cards.

Application fraud – where someone has made an application in their name, but included false information – like address, employment or salary.

Asset conversion fraud - where a customer sells goods (usually a vehicle) that they do not own.

Misuse of facility – when someone has opened an account or a policy or other facility with the deliberate intent of using it for a fraudulent purpose.

Insurance Claims Fraud - where false information or false documentation is supplied as part of an insurance claim.

You can see all the information that Cifas holds on you by making a Subject Access Request to Cifas directly. Find out more.

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