Trouble signing up?

Smiling dark haired woman wearing a green dress, stood in front of some trees.



Jasmin is Knowledge Manager at Checkmyfile and has been part of the team for over 10 years. She previously led the customer care team for five years, adding invaluable front-line experience to her credit report knowledge.

Checkmyfile is designed to help customers see, and get to know, all data that's held about them by the credit reference agencies.

We will only provide access to your own personal information and as such, you should not try to set up a Checkmyfile account for another individual.

Checkmyfile is designed to help you see, and understand, all the data that’s held about you by credit reference agencies.

We’ll only provide access to your own personal information and, as such, you shouldn’t try to set up a Checkmyfile account for someone else.

It says my email address is already in use?

If this is the case, you likely already have an account with us and will need to try logging in instead.

If you can’t remember your password, click on How do I reset my password for details.

Still having trouble? Email and we’ll help you out.

Can I log in to someone else's account?

Our credit reports have lots of very sensitive information, so it’s not a good idea to share your login details with anyone, or log into someone else’s account.

We take security very seriously, and we hope you will too.

I'm a returning customer, will I get another free trial?

We offer a 30-day free trial to new customers. Whenever you decide to return after cancelling, you’ll reactivate the subscription and will be charged the monthly amount.

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