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A plum coloured pound sign with a white circular background with a plum backdrop.Credit Score

What is a good credit score?

Uncover what each credit reference agency considers a ‘good’ credit score, how to get one, and the benefits of having one.

Cartoon stethoscope and wallet on a bright orange background.Payments & Borrowing

The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on credit scores

Learn how the cost-of-living crisis could impact your credit score and what you can do if you're facing financial issues.

A black ballot paper on a mint green background.Addresses & Electoral Roll

Does changing your address affect your credit score?

Understand the relationship between addresses and credit reports and the indirect ways that changing addresses could impact your score.

Solid black house icon on a sky blue background.Mortgage

Whose Credit Score is Used on a Joint Mortgage?

If you’re looking to buy a home with someone else, you may be wondering how your credit scores will impact your mortgage. Let’s look at the details.

Solid white X symbol on a navy blue background.Credit Report

Find out how long defaults stay on a credit file and the effect it can have

Wondering how long defaults stay on your credit file? Learn the timeline and steps to improve your credit score.

White courthouse icon on a dark earth coloured background.Court Information

Will a satisfied CCJ affect my credit?

A County Court Judgment will affect your credit, even if it’s satisfied. Here’s what you need to know and how to improve your situation.

A black image of two people on a taupe background.Associations & Aliases

Moving in together: What to know about joint finances and credit scores

Learn the joint finance and credit score essentials before sharing a home with your partner.

A white house on a green background.Mortgage

Is it better to rent or buy a house?

Learn more about the costs involved, potential advantages, and disadvantages of buying and renting.

A black location pin on a pink background.Payments & Borrowing

Can you pay rent with a credit card?

If your landlord is willing, you can pay your rent with a credit card. Learn more about the potential benefits and drawbacks of doing so.

A white credit card on a plum red background.Credit

How does Clearpay work?

Chances are you’ve seen the turquoise Clearpay logo when you hit the checkout – but how does it work, and will it affect your credit score?

Black circle with a British pound sign in the middle on mint green background.Credit

How does Klarna work?

With new rules coming into place for Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services, you may be wondering how it works – and if it’ll affect your credit score.

Cartoon British postbox with a letter, clouds and an orange address pinMortgage

Big changes to stamp duty – what it means for your credit score

Here’s everything you need to know about the stamp duty changes being introduced in April 2025 and how they could affect you and your credit score.

Black credit card icon on sky clue background.Credit card

Does applying for a credit card affect my credit score?

Learn how credit card applications affect your credit score and what happens during the process.

Bold black house icon on an orange background.Mortgage

The Pros and Cons of an Interest-only Mortgage Holiday

Can you take an interest-only mortgage holiday, and will it affect your credit score? Here’s what you need to know.

White magnifying glass icon on a plum-coloured background.Regulations

All You Need To Know About Anti-Money Laundering Checks

Discover the ins and outs of AML checks, including how they work and whether they can affect your credit score.


How much does a guarantor need to earn?

Want to understand the role of a guarantor? From how much a guarantor needs to earn, to their rights and responsibilities, here are the key facts.

Cartoon files and red flag on a bright pink background.Regulations

Anti-Money Laundering Checks When Buying a House: Your Guide

All you need to know about AML checks when buying a house, including how they work and whether they can affect your credit score.

Solid black arrow icon pointing upwards on a light orange background.Credit Score

How to increase your credit score quickly

Sometimes, you want to know how to increase your credit score quickly. While there’s no magic fix, we look at the things that can make a difference.

White right-facing arrow icon on a navy blue background.Payments & Borrowing

Does PayPal Buy Now Pay Later affect your credit score?

Discover how PayPal's credit services differ and how they may impact your credit score. Learn if it helps or hurts your credit and what to watch for.

Bold black tick icon on a mint green background.Credit card

How much is the minimum payment on a credit card?

Find out how credit card issuers calculate the minimum payment, where to check it, and the effects of only paying the minimum.

Peach pound symbol inside a black circle with peach coloured background.Credit

Does an overdraft affect my credit score?

Does an overdraft affect your credit score? Discover how overdrafts are reported, how they impact your score, and tips to avoid negative effects.

Male student wearing a blue shirt and carrying a bag.Credit Score

Does your student loan affect your credit score?

Do UK student loans affect your credit score? Student loans are a different type of borrowing and don't show up on your credit report/history.

Solid black house icon on a sky blue background.Mortgage

Buy-To-Let vs Residential Mortgage: What To Know

Learn the difference between buy-to-let and residential mortgages, how they work, who can get one, and what you need to qualify.

Blue cartoon filing cabinet on taupe background.Credit Score

Does Council Tax affect your credit score?

Wondering if council tax impacts your credit score? Get the facts and learn how it affects your personal finances.

Person with curly hair and green glasses, stood in front of a tall building.Credit Score

Does financing a car build your credit score?

Explore how having a car on finance can build and improve your credit score and how it might damage your credit rating if you’re not careful.

Cartoon graphs and arrows on a navy blue background.Credit Score

How to increase your credit score in the UK

Discover how to increase your UK credit score with our useful credit score guide. For helpful tips to improve your credit score, read on.

A green British pound symbol inside a white circle on a dark green background.Mortgage

How does inflation affect mortgage rates?

Find out how the Bank of England's inflationary measures can drive mortgage rates up or down.

Woman with short hair and glasses, stood with arms folded in front of some desks.Bank account

How does closing a bank account affect your credit score?

Can closing a bank account affect your credit score? Read on to find out what you should do before closing a bank account and the impact it can have.

Black, bold question mark icon on mint green background.Credit Score

Good credit score but declined a phone contract? Here’s why

Declined for a phone contract despite a good credit score? Discover potential reasons for rejection and how to improve your chances with Checkmyfile.

Cartoon graphs and arrows on an earth coloured background.Credit Score

Improve your credit score in 12 steps

It all starts with a detailed understanding of your credit report. Steps worth taking, progress worth making.

Solid black house icon on taupe background.Credit Score

What credit score is needed to buy a house?

Wondering what credit score you need to buy a house? Learn if you can get a mortgage with poor credit and how to improve your score with Checkmyfile.

Black information symbol on a bright pink background.Credit Score

Understanding why my credit score is different on different sites

Discover why your credit score varies across different sites and learn what factors affect these differences. Get clarity with Checkmyfile.

A bold black question mark icon on a sky blue background.Payments & Borrowing

Does PayPal Pay in 3 affect my credit score?

Wondering if PayPal Pay in 3 affects your credit score? Learn how Pay in 3 could impact your credit rating and what you need to know before applying.

Man in a blue t-shirt stood holding a large moving box.Mortgage

Does a Mortgage In Principle affect your credit score? Everything you need to know

Learn how a Mortgage In Principle impacts your credit score, whether a credit check is needed, and why it matters. Get the facts today.

White credit card icon on a dark green background.Credit card

How long does a credit card application take?

Wondering how long a credit card application takes? We take you through the whole process, from application to activation.

Solid white exclamation mark on a plum coloured background.Credit history

Adverse credit history explained

Learn what adverse credit history is, how long it lasts, and its potential impacts on your ability to borrow.

Black circle with a British pound sign in the middle on mint green background.Credit

Does Klarna affect your credit score?

Does Klarna affect your credit score? Find out how Klarna's payment plans are reported and what you can do to protect your credit rating.

Cartoon stack of papers with cartoon credit card and pound signs on a light beige background.Credit card

Can I apply for more than one credit card?

Can you apply for more than one credit card or have multiple credit cards in your name? Here’s what you need to consider.

Black folder icon on peach background.Credit Report

What is a statutory credit report? What to know and how to request yours

Understand the information covered by your statutory credit report, when you might need one, and how to request it online or by post.

White steps icon on a plum-coloured background.Regulations

How long does it take to buy a house?

From making an offer to getting the keys to your new home, our step-by-step guide explains all.

A solid black folder icon on a mint green background.Credit Report

What is a default on a credit report?

Learn what a default on a credit report is, the impact it can have on your applications for new credit, and the steps to take if you have one.

Cartoon stethoscope and wallet on a light amber background.Credit card

Does closing a credit card affect your credit score?

Could closing a credit card negatively impact your credit score? Let’s find out.

Black credit card icon on a light pink background.Credit card

Why can't I get a credit card? 13 possible reasons + how to improve your chances for next time

Find out why you’ve been declined and uncover tips for your next application.

Black decrease icon on taupe background.Credit Score

Why is my credit score low? 10 reasons

Discover the main reasons for a low credit score and some of the actions you can take to start improving your credit rating over time.

Small letter I in a black circle with a light blue background.Credit card

What does APR mean on credit cards?

Learn what APR on credit cards means, the different types of APR, how it works, and additional fees to keep in mind.

Cartoon stack of papers with cartoon credit card and pound signs on a light beige background.Credit card

Can you go over your credit card limit?

What happens if you do? Uncover all you need to know about credit card limits.

Black double person icon on a mint green background. Credit card

Can you get a joint credit card?

While you can get a joint credit card in the UK, it works differently to many other countries. Learn how it works in the UK and how to apply for one.

White bold question mark symbol on a dark brown background.Regulations

When do you start paying stamp duty?

Learn all about the different stamp duty rules in the UK, along with exceptions that may apply to you.

Black house icon on a bright pink background.Payments & Borrowing

Why are energy prices so high in the UK?

Learn about why energy prices are still high, the factors affecting wholesale energy costs, and the effect of the energy price cap.

Cartoon British postbox with a letter, clouds and an orange address pinAddresses & Electoral Roll

Electoral Roll and a change of address: what to know

How to update your address on the Electoral Roll, how long it’ll take for the Electoral Register to reflect the change and important steps afterwards.

White location pin icon on a plum coloured background.Credit card

Can I use my credit card abroad?

If you're wondering if you can use your credit card abroad, the answer is yes. Learn how it works and what you need to know before you go.

Smiling man with dark hair and a blue shirt.Credit Score

Why has my credit score gone down when I haven’t missed any payments?

There are many reasons why your credit score might go down. We explore some of the most common and the steps worth taking to improve your credit.

Black magnifying glass icon on sky blue background.Searches

What is a tenant credit check?

Landlords use tenant credit checks to verify your identity and to help determine if you’ll be a good tenant. Here’s what to expect from these checks.

Black downward pointing arrow symbol on an orange background.Credit Score

Why has my credit score gone down? 14 reasons

Wondering why your credit score has gone down? From missing payments to closing an account, we look at potential reasons behind a sudden drop.

Black location pin icon on a bright pink background.Searches

What are credit checks for renting?

Credit checks for renting let landlords access basic information to help them verify your identity and gauge how you’ll be as a tenant. Learn more.

Solid black house icon on a sky blue background.Credit Score

Does a mortgage holiday affect your credit rating?

Does a mortgage holiday affect your credit rating? Can it impact your ability to borrow? And what are the alternatives? Here, we explain all.

Cartoon wallet with a stethoscope on a bright pink background.Loans

How much does a loan affect your credit score in the UK?

We look at how much a loan affects your credit score in the UK, including the changes to expect when you apply, make repayments, and pay it off.

Smiling woman with long red hair and a black vest top.Credit Score

Does buy now pay later affect your credit score?

Does Buy Now Pay Later affect credit score? Potentially, yes. In this article, we’ll explain exactly how, so you can make an informed choice.

Solid black person icon on peach background.Credit Report

Does being a guarantor affect your credit?

Simply being a guarantor won’t affect your credit score. But if the borrower doesn’t pay, it can impact you. Here’s what you need to know.